Saturday, March 7, 2009

Weekend? What Weekend?

It has gradually dawned upon me that my weekends are not really weekends, as they are commonly understood to be. Most people think of a weekend as a "time off" from work. A few days for rest, relaxation and fun.

Seven months into the school/fencing/ballet/swimming year, I have come to the conclusion that I don't really have a weekend. Most of my Saturdays and Sundays are filled fuller and busier than the rest of the week.

Take today. I got up at 6am (an ungodly hour - I never get up that early M-F) to volunteer at Rosie's swim meet. From 6:30 to 11:30 I served bagels, muffins and cup-o-noodles, while occasionally dashing out of the snack bar to cheer on Rosie. (BTW - she shaved 6 seconds off her 50 backstroke and made her "B" time - woo hoo!).

For the rest of the day (with one hour break for a walk, and 20 min. to write this blog) I did my motherly duty in the kitchen. I am the behind the scenes support person for ARG's poker night. Homemade cookies, pizza from scratch, snakes galore - plus cleaning the house. Phew! Tonight I will serve and clean. Then lay down on my bed and pass out.

Then there's tomorrow. I am volunteering at church. This means I have to get to church one hour before the first service (yikes - it's daylight savings!). Then I have to work through both services, while managing my girls before, between and after. (ARG and Hubby will be at a Bay Cup Fencing tournament at Stanford). On top of this, I am running the sound board for the worship band. Do I know how to do this? Not really. Am I comfortable doing this? Heck no! Will I be sweating and praying and hoping for no major feedback? Yeah baby. I'll be there until noon, at least.

Yes, I do get Sunday afternoon "off". If "off" means I don't have to drive my kids to a class, or assist with math, or read out loud. But if "off" means I get to do whatever I want to do? Not so much.

I must add a caveat to all this: I do get some hours to myself during the week when St. Nan Nan comes. And sometimes, I even manage to do something fun like coffee with a friend. But usually it gets filled with exercise, errands, dr. appts....etc. Trader Joe's without the kids? Yipeee!

I yearn for my next real "time off".

It's May....
(squeeling and bouncing)....
yes! it's another superfun trip to NYC!

(more on that later)


Deborah said...

NYC?!? Can't wait to hear more about that trip. Have van, will travel.