Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Official Thanksgiving Post

This may be trite and overdone - but I don't care.

I truly am thankful for so many things, and this is the perfect time to share them. So here goes.

I am thankful:

- that Hubby has a good job that allows me to stay home and educate / raise the kiddos.

- for holiday baking with the kids with Tchaikovsky playing.

- that my family is healthy (knock, knock, knock).

- for good friends who listen to my rants and share their own.

- for a safe, cozy home.

- that we have enough to pay our property taxes (phew!).

- for my mom's successful knee surgery and a phenomenal recovery (in process).

- for our church, for loving us and teaching us how to follow Jesus better.

- that ARG has found a passion in fencing, Rosie in ballet and MiniMe in demanding that we read to her all the time.

- that Hubby loves and cherishes me.

There are more, but I don't want to go on and on.

What are you thankful for?

or in correct English:

For what are you thankful?


HaynesBE said...

I am thankful for family, friends and freedom.
....and good

books, and flowers and my health, and......

Oh so much to be thankful for!

Mike said...

I'm going to go with health. Death and disease has avoided my inner circle for a long damn time.