Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Still No Tears!

A few annoying things about homeschooling:

- bickering kids
- messy house
- kids who can't do math unless you can hear a pin drop - "It's too noisy!"
- kids who make you pee in your pants laughing when you want to be mad
- kids constantly dropping pencils
- science experiments that NEVER work

A few uplifting things about homeschooling:

- the moments when all three are quietly at work (doing good things)
- the moments when all three are quietly at work (doing good things)
- the moments when all three are quietly at work (doing good things) this one counts a lot!
- kids who get excited about what they are learning and want to talk all about it
- kids who want to learn more than what you teach, and go find it on their own

I'm employing all of my will power not to sit on ARG to make sure he gets his stuff done by Friday. Instead of daily lists, we have gone to weekly lists. He is ending up concentrating on one thing until it is done - like doing all his math lessons in one day - instead of spreading it out over the week. Is that bad? Is that normal and natural? How would I do it if it were me?

It's the middle of week two and still no tears. Woot! Woot!


Anonymous said...

- kids who can't do math unless you can hear a pin drop - "It's too noisy!"

Oh, there's an unnecessary "s" on "kid" — I listen to music set on high while doing school.