Monday, December 17, 2007

Six Million Dollar Man

Check him out! or should I say... Check US out! ?

Yesterday, on the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, supporters of my main man RP donated over SIX MILLION DOLL HAIRS. Wowie Zowie. And I didn't even donate this time. Tea Party Reenactments were held all over the country, and even world-wide. Cool.

The creativity and daring of these people is so refreshing and fun to watch. Did you know RP people have even rented a blimp which will fly over states that have early primaries? A blimp. I mean, come one - who thought of that? That is thinking WAY out of the box.

Please don't worry about me becoming unrealistic about his chances. I'm not. BUT - I have to say that I have already been pleasantly surprised by how well Dr. Paul is doing. Aside from the enjoyable sideshow of watching this uncontrollable, decentralized, voluntary grass roots campaign, I am deeply satisfied to see a man I respect and trust amongst all the other creeps running for president.

McCain may not be a liar, but I disagree with his position on the war. All the rest of them are soulless, pandering, packaged losers IMHO.

I wish I had TV so I could watch the MSM ignore RP some more.